5th Grade
Grading Scale
This is consistent across all the 5th grade classrooms.
A 95-100
A- 92-94
B+ 89-91
B 86-88
B- 83-85
C+ 80-82
C 77-79
C- 74-76
D+ 71-73
D 68-70
D- 65-67
F 0-64
Most lessons include a modeled class assignment and an
independent assignment. A student will start the independent assignment in
class, but not all children work at the same pace or use their class study time wisely.
Most of the work should be completed
during the day with maybe just a couple of
things to finish at home.
If your child is bringing homework home in more
than one/two subjects & it's hardly started,
then visit with them about
what they are doing with their time in the class.
As far as tests, 5th grade teachers will give
at least 2 days notice which will give your child ample time to study the
material. Some children need two days to cover the material and others
only need one. However, there are things that come up within families
which make it difficult to always study both nights.
Therefore you will
have at least one night to go over the information.
Late Assignments
If your child's homework is not completed on the
day after being assigned, they will lose 10% off that lesson and stay in for recess to
complete the work.
I will also send home an incomplete pink slip telling you
that they had late or incomplete work. If the work is
not completed on the second day, 50% will be taken off.
If the work is still not completed
on the third day they they will receive a zero.
This does not apply to
children who have been sick or had some
family situations happen beyond their
Always ask your child about their planner and assignments to stay on top of this!!
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